Volunteer Managers Network
Virtual Meetings

Bringing together volunteer managers to create links, partnerships and share best practice

The Volunteer Managers Network is a series of meetings planned quarterly throughout the year and gives volunteer managers the opportunity to meet others in similar roles from organisations across Cheshire East to network, create links and partnerships, and share best practice. During these network meetings, we deliver workshops, action learning sets, presentations, specialist talks and activities to bring knowledge, experience, and skills together in one place where we can learn from each other.

The agenda for each meeting is led by volunteer manager's and feedback is collected at each meeting to help plan the following network event. Subjects covered recently include 'Action Learning meeting focused on Volunteer Managers supporting volunteers during the current situation with Covid-19', 'Cyber Security Training', 'Developing a Volunteer Strategy', 'Real Problems, Solutions and Ideas When Working with Volunteers' and 'Writing Effective Volunteer Role Descriptions to Attract the Right Volunteers'. 

These events are always a great opportunity to network, make links, share information, learn from each other, and most importantly offer peer support. 

The network events are held at various venues across Cheshire East to allow participation by everyone, so if you have a free venue to use for future events please contact mark.smith@cvsce.org.uk and helen.roger@cvsce.org.uk

Complete your details below to register for this and future Networks. The topics for future Networks will be added closer to the meeting dates.  You can choose the ones that you are able to make. 

By booking onto this session you will be added to the mailing list for the Volunteer Managers Network.  You will only be sent information about this network and you are able to unsubscribe at any point. 

Connect with the community

Fill out the linked webform and join this network's mailing list, be kept up to date on all the goings on around the network including dates and agendas for upcoming meetings.

Migration taxonomy: 
Event Booking Form
If you are attending in a personal capacity, please choose "Not applicable". If you cannot find your group name, please choose "New group or organisation".
Booking Form
Lifelong Learning Fields