The Fundraising Regulator and Chartered Institute of Fundraising have published new guidance on fundraising in the coronavirus environment.

Last Friday the government announced that public fundraising could resume from today (12th April), and this guidance is intended to help charities understand how to go about it responsibly. 

This guidance is part of a series of resources produced by the Fundraising Regulator and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising that aims to support charities and other fundraising organisations to be able to return to fundraising activities in a responsible way. 

This guidance highlights the issues you should consider when adapting the way your organisation fundraises as lockdown measures are eased. In particular it provides advice on:

  • how to plan your future fundraising;
  • how to behave and interact safely and respectfully with the public; 
  • how to safeguard the public, staff and volunteers; and
  • undertaking a risk assessment.

Read the full guidance here


Published by: 
The Fundraising Regulator
Resource Type: 
Areas Supported: 
Beneficiary Groups: 