It would seem that these days if you don’t do ‘online’ you are at a disadvantage: you don’t have the same ease of access to advice, support and information as those of us who do.

There are many and varied workshops and training courses across the Borough provided by the local authority, housing associations and voluntary and community organisations.    But are we reaching those most in need and if not how do we bring on board individuals who have never used technology, are afraid of technology, can’t afford to buy technology and/or may never have the confidence to ‘go it alone’?

I recently went on NHS Choices to check up on whether to worry or not when my baby grandson had a nasty cold.  If you can’t do that do you ring the doctor?  What do people do? And how much longer does it take?   I sense that it adds to life’s stresses if you don’t do technology, and this can impact on people’s  health and wellbeing.

What do you think?

Louise Daniels

JSNA Coordinator