Sam is a Lay member of our Local Safeguarding Children's Board and has written this blog about the work of the Board . He will be providing an update here  for Voice members after every Board meeting 


The Cheshire East Local Safeguarding Children Board meets every two months and is made up of senior personnel from both statutory and voluntary agencies to oversee the work of those agencies where they are engaged with the care of or education and development of children and young people.

The principal responsibility of the board is to ensure that every agency has the safeguarding of children at the forefront of their operations.The board met on 17 September and amongst other agenda items received the OFSTED inspection into ‘services for children in need of help and protection, children looked after and care leavers and the review of the LSCB’. The report identified areas where services work well and areas for development, a review of adoption services were reviewed as 'good'. The report is on the Ofted website

Two young people sit on the board and play a active part and conduit between the board and the views and expectations of young people in the county. They report at each board meeting and on this occasion highlighted the need to raise awareness of the use of ‘legal highs’ and the services that are available to young people who are subject to domestic violence or abuse. Both of these issues are to be considered and addressed by the board.

Ian Rush, chair of the board, has published his annual report of the work of the board during the previous 12 months which highlights the strengths and areas requiring improvement to services and on the LSCB website


If you want to find out more about the work of the LSCB, visit the LSCB website or contact