Message from Cheshire East Local Safeguarding Board Lay Member ; Sam


The Cheshire East Local Safeguarding Children Board meets every two months and is made up of senior personnel from both statutory and voluntary agencies to oversee the work of those agencies where they are engaged with the care of or education and development of children and young people.

The principal responsibility of the board is to ensure that every agency has the safeguarding of children at the forefront of their operations.


The 14 January 2016 LSCB meeting was held in Wilmslow chaired by Ian Rush.


In his report, Ian spoke about the forthcoming National Campaign to highlight the importance of reporting child abuse. The Government have provided funding to Local Authorities within London and the West Midlands to produce a campaign tool kit and marketing material aimed at the 25 - 40 year old age group. The Board have agreed to explore opportunities to mirror this initiative but are mindful of not having sufficient resources on hand to deal with a potential increase in referrals, many of which may be unfounded. It was also noted that any reports via the NSPCC get redirected to ChECS for investigation already.


A further initiative is currently being launched nationally in relation to a ‘whistle blowing’ helpline for employees who may wish to report concerns about a child at risk of abuse.


A presentation was made in relation to 'Project Crewe’ by the Service Manager of Catch22 Cheshire who run the project which has now been providing additional support to Child Care Services in relation to children in need cases. This project is coming to the end of its first 12 month period and is to be evaluated and the sustainability of the project reviewed and continued.


Rev. Michelle Nunn provided an update to the Board in relation to the safeguarding work of the Faith sector or activity relating to children undertaken within mainstream Christian denominations. These denominations have clear statements and policies in relation to Safeguarding and have designated leads. Staff and volunteers are DBS checked and receive regular training. Further work is being undertaken to reach other faith groups to ensure they are represented at the Board and that they prioritise Safeguarding within their congregations.’


If you want to find out more about the work of the LSCB, visit the LSCB website  or contact